Terry Hurley is a retired educational professional and freelance writer with more than fifty years of experience. A former reading specialist and learning center director, Terry loved her years working with children in the educational field. She has written extensively for print and online publications specializing in education and health issues. For the last six years, her writing focus has been on addiction and mental health issues.

“The Sober Diaries: How one woman stopped drinking and started living” by Clare Pooley

alcohol addiction recovery books

Holly Whitaker, in her own path to recovery, discovered the insidious ways the alcohol industry targets women and the patriarchal methods of recovery. Ever the feminist, she found that women and other oppressed people don’t need the tenets of Alcoholics Anonymous, but a deeper understanding of their own identities. Quit Like a Woman is her informative and relatable guidebook to breaking an addiction to alcohol. However, beyond the book that focuses on some key ideas, including changing our beliefs and practicing abstinence, among others, Whitaker aims to change the narrative surrounding alcohol consumption.

  • This book provides an eye-opening perspective on and insight into how racism and white supremacy can lead to intergenerational trauma.
  • That’s the premise of one of the best books on alcoholism,“The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober” by Catherine Gray.
  • Pairing scientific research with real-life stories of addiction, the author and world-renowned trauma expert provides a holistic explanation of addiction.
  • It’s about discovering the joy and freedom that comes with living alcohol-free.

Drinking: A Love Story by Caroline Knapp

So, pick up a book, start reading, and embrace your journey to recovery. Remember, the journey to recovery isn’t a race—it’s a personal journey that moves at your own pace. Titles such as “The Easy Way to Control Alcohol” and “The 30-Day Sobriety Solution“ offer actionable steps to quit alcohol and maintain sobriety. The right book for you is the one that resonates with your experiences, meets your needs, and inspires you to take the next step in your recovery journey. These books offer a deep dive into the complexities of alcoholism, shedding light on this disease’s physical, psychological, and social aspects. In “The Easy Way for Women to Stop Drinking”, Carr offers a step-by-step program designed specifically for women.

Irish comedian releases “healing” book on alcoholism and mental health issues – Irish Star

Irish comedian releases “healing” book on alcoholism and mental health issues.

Posted: Wed, 13 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Memoirs About Alcoholism

Also, partners and loved ones may not understand how sexual experience becomes the reason for being and the primary relationship for the addict. The author walks us through the four-step cycle that includes preoccupation, ritualization, compulsive sexual behavior, and despair. The best addiction memoirs latest (3rd) edition of “Out of the Shadows” also covers the phenomenon of cybersex addiction, and in the end leads readers towards finding help for sexual compulsion. Through reading this book I came to better understand myself, my body’s physical reactions, and my mental health.

This book serves as a guide for anyone starting their journey with a 30 day sobriety challenge. The Dry Challenge can be especially helpful for people who drink socially, and are looking to take a structured step back to re-evaluate their habits. This book offers inspiration for alcohol-free drinks and activities, and tangible tips on how to navigate a month (or beyond!) without alcohol.

  • Sobriety isn’t just about giving up alcohol; it’s about discovering new joys, insights, and ways of being.
  • In the second half of The Drop, Ziolkowski examines how surfing has become more mainstream in America since the 1960s.
  • The following are a smattering of the books about alcoholism I’ve found meaningful.
  • “Living Sober” offers practical strategies, personal insights, and motivational tips to help you navigate the challenges and joys of sobriety.
  • The book contains insights and exercises to help you understand your habits and how to change them.

When it comes to recovery from alcoholism, there’s no shortage of programs and approaches. It’s about exploring your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a safe, supportive space. It’s about breaking free from the grip of alcohol and embracing a life of health, happiness, and fulfillment. It’s about Hepola’s journey to sobriety and the lessons she learned along the way. It’s a reminder that no matter how far down the path of alcoholism you’ve gone, recovery is possible. She offers a candid, poignant look at the realities of alcoholism, the struggles, the victories, and the lessons learned.

alcohol addiction recovery books

Individuals with AUD continue to drink despite the negative consequences, have a high tolerance for alcohol, and experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop drinking. And with the right best books on alcoholism in your hands, you’re not walking that journey alone. It’s about empowering you with the tools and strategies to https://ecosoberhouse.com/ quit alcohol and embrace a healthier life. “The Easy Way for Women to Stop Drinking” isn’t just about quitting alcohol; it’s about discovering a simpler, more manageable approach to sobriety. It’s a space for you to reflect on your relationship with alcohol, explore your motivations for sobriety, and document your journey.

alcohol addiction recovery books

It features daily meditations, thoughts, and prayers to aid readers in maintaining sobriety. This is an approachable recipe book using everyday healthy ingredients to make delicious alcohol-free drinks for every occasion. Developed by registered dietitians, this book takes a new twist on classic cocktails. You’ll also find options for dessert drinks, frozen drinks, and holiday drinks without relying on sugar for flavor. Straightforward and to the point, Carr helps you examine the reasons you drink in the first place in The Easy Way to Control Alcohol. For example, he explains why stating alcohol is poison and repeating the tagline “Never Question the Decision” can help you change your unconscious thoughts about alcohol, and shift your mindset.

Being one of the best books on alcoholism, this book isn’t just a guide to sobriety but to living a richer, more fulfilling life. In one of the best books on alcoholism, “The Sober Survival Guide”, Chapple shares his experiences with alcohol and his path to sobriety. He shares his experiences with alcohol addiction and his journey to sobriety, offering a candid, insightful look at the realities of alcoholism. Have you noticed that our world is increasingly obsessed with drinking? Work events, brunch, baby showers, book club, hair salons—the list of where to find booze is endless.